Sunday, January 8, 2012

July 27, 2011

Joe & Auntie Marz Came over for a visit tonight. Joe said he would read them a bedtime story but the opted for the projector. Here they are cuddled up enjoying the show.

July 29, 2011

Coop with his cars and fancy hats.

Coop with his drums and fancy hats.

July 30, 2011

Took Layla for her very first haircut today. We went to Dynamic Hair Design in Kincardine. We just did a wee trim, taking just a couple of inches off. Layla wasn't quite sure what to expect but she was happy with how it went and with her "new do".

All trimmed up!

New do!

Coop lounging in his beach chair in the living room.

Another Saturday Night Pipe Band. Layla drumming away in the dress Mommy made her.

Cooper is totally gonna be in the pipe band one day. He LOVES the drums. Definitely the highlight of every week for him all summer!

August 2, 2011
Cooper building towers with the cat food cans. Why do we buy kids toys?

Layla cuddling the kitty cat. She has really come around and has learned to be soo nice to Olive lately.

Today we also had the Gallinas over for some backyard fun. We set up the kiddie pool at the end of the slide and had some fun water-slide action. Then had a bonfire complete with marshmallows!

SPLASH!!! Layla - always the daredevil!


Best Buddies!

Best Buddies! 2.0   :)