Sunday, November 27, 2011

Catch-up #2

July 25 - 27, 2011.
Took a trip to Fisherman's Cove for a few days. We had so much fun!

Tire Swingin'.

It's fun even when it's not in the water.

Little Monkey.

A boy and his trucks.

She loved collecting water lilies on our paddle boat trips.


Every time we went to the park, Cooper would have to come up to this bear and wave at it saying "hi, hi!"

Craft time with Daddy


Fun in the sand.

2 little monkeys.

The Munchkins checking out the frog they caught.

Self-family-portrait on the paddle boat.

Spelling her name in the sand.

Layla showing off her craft she made at the rec hall.

Spelling her name out of firewood.

Will & Layla showing off the big fish he caught. We didn't think there were fish that big in there!

Coop collecting rocks.

Layla has become so brave this year in the water. She started off not wanting us to let go of her and within a few days she was jumping in all by herself. She swam out with Daddy to the dock in the middle of the lake and even jumped off that. She was so proud!

Catch-up - Round #1

So, I haven't blogged since July 12! The Munchkins have been up to a lot in the past almost 5 months! Well, I'm gonna try and play catch-up here. Here's round 1!

July 14, 2011 - Daddy took The Munchkins for a trip to Grandpa & Grandma M's where they did a little fishing. Looks like the kids had a blast!


Auntie Flower finally had her baby on July 5th, 2011. And on July 16, 2011, she was finally able to bring him home. We all went over to Gramma's so that The Munchkins could meet baby Connor. Here Layla is giving cuddles to her new cousin.

Some reading time with Gramma.

Later that night we went to the Pipe Band Parade and stayed out extra late to watch the Bruce Power Beach Party Fireworks.

Layla & Coop with Grampa & Great-Grampa.

Coop fell asleep waiting for the fireworks to start.

But woke up just in time to catch the show.

July 17, 2011 - We spent a nice summer day at the Gallina's house. Cooper was beyond excited when he saw Mikayla's four-wheeler out in the backyard. He was so happy to just sit on it with the helmet on.

Heather did a little face painting. 

And then Layla got to take the 4-wheeler for a real spin!

Layla in a basket with her dolls:

July 18, 2011 - Cuddles with Mommy <3

July 19, 2011 - The crochet dolly the I made Layla when she was months old has definitely seen better days. I decided to make her a new one. She LOVES it!

July 20, 2011 - Took a trip to the beach in Kincardine. Such a nice beach day!

Sand castle building is serious business!

Workin' hard.

My view! :)

July 23, 2011 - Another Saturday in Kincardine, means another pipe band parade. And more!

Fun in the bouncy castle in Victoria Park.

Coop checking out the sheep at the petting zoo.

Pony rides!

Hope this isn't a glimpse into her future. :P

Waiting for the drummers.

Mommy Jungle Gym. What else is new?

Cooper in his glory.

The whole fam. Man, there's a lot of us.