Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

"Joe, I want my blankie back!"

Ice cream cone!

May 21, 2011

The Munchkins hanging with their friends.

May 19, 2011

More bubbles.

Layla: "Mommy, there's a seahorse and a dolphin in the sky!" She's right! Can you spot them?

May 18, 2011

Sweethearts. <3 Summer & Cooper.

Layla checking in on the toad she caught and put in her bug catcher.

May 17, 2011

Climbing. Cooper loves climbing the steps of the slide at the park. Even more than coming down the slide.

Layla has finally figured out her tricycle! She can steer & pedal at the same time. We went all the way to the mailbox. She was so proud of herself!

May 16, 2011

Corn on the cob for the first time. Cooper likes it!

May 15, 2011

Layla found a slug. She had to show it to me.

May 14, 2011

Andrea & Edgar came over for a visit today. Cooper LOVED him! They were both so excited to see each other. Cooper walked him around the house and gave him treats. As soon as Coop learns to speak he's gonna be begging for a pet puppy!

The Munchkins & I went to the Lions Club garage sale today with Gramma. Layla found a pile of hats for sale. She tried this one on and she fell in love. So we bought it for her dress up box. Girl's got style! haha

May 13, 2011

Mommy's flip flops.
One of Cooper's fave things these days is shoes. Mommy's shoes, Daddy's shoes, clean shoes, dirty shoes. Any shoes! Usually he puts them on his hands and then crawls around, but today he decided to try Mommy's on his feet.

Picnic in the kitchen.
Layla set up a little picnic for Mommy & Cooper on the kitchen floor. We ate "sandwiches" and "ice cream".

May 12, 2011

Cute boy.

Skipping ballerina.

Time for a break.

May 11, 2011

Went to London to visit Auntie Flower today. We took her out for lunch, and then to a playground for a play.

Wild Hog.

Little climber.

May 10, 2011

A boy with his puppy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 8, 2011

Today's Mother's Day. What a great day I had. Sleeping in, homemade gifts, Spa gift certificate and dinner with family. Love the little munchkins!

Sharing dessert.

May 7, 2011


May 6, 2011

May 5, 2011

One cute princess! Especially because her shoes are too small and on the wrong feet, she's using a belt as a tie, and her skirt is inside out.

Balloon Boy. Daddy & Cooper went to get some work done at Ford today. While waiting, they gave Cooper a helium balloon. And he did not let that thing out of his site all day. He played with it, ate lunch & dinner with it, even at nap time, Daddy kept it floating in his bedroom because he lost his mind if it went out of site.

May 4, 2011

Finally opened the chocolate easter bunny he got for easter.

Nice day = painting masterpieces outside.

May 1, 2011

Cell phone while driving...

Texting while driving...

Apparently we have a few things to teach this kid before he turns 16. ;)

Below: Cooper & Layla seated at Layla's "restaurant".

Cooper enjoying his "pinecone cereal."

April 30, 2011


Going for a ride.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 29, 2011

Today was Coop's first time having an ice cream cone. Apparently he thinks it's cold... like reeeeal cold. And this is the face he makes as he eats it.

Today (well actually, 6am this morning) was the Royal Wedding. There was no way in heck we were getting up that early to watch it, so we PVR'd it to watch later. Layla and I whipped up a batch of scones to enjoy while we watched Prince William & Kate get married.

Layla watching the wedding.

April 28, 2011

Layla showing off some of her dance moves from dance lessons today.

April 27, 2011