Monday, January 31, 2011

Mommy just got a new iPod and downloaded the app "Angry Birds". Daddy is now addicted to it and when Layla sees him playing it she wants to join right in and play too.

"Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin' like a foo witchyer pants on the ground."
Cooper is in such an in-between stage for pant sizes right now. There's the pants that fit around the waist but are way to short, or the pants that are the perfect length but hang off him cuz they're too big around the waist. This is what he looks like in those pants. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Well the only photos I took today were with my iPod (pooooor quality). We went to our friend's the Goetz's for dinner. Layla had a blast playing with Lily.

Cooper also got his hands on some crayons while we were there and was pretty excited when he got to draw on the easel.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Looking through the flyers with mommy this morning, Layla pointed out the starfruit, asking me what it was. I picked one up when I went grocery shopping this afternoon to have for dessert after dinner. She thought it was pretty neat that it sliced into little stars. She loved the shape, but I think she was less than overwhelmed with it's taste.

Today we discovered that Cooper's 7th tooth has appeared. His bottom left, second from the centre. The way he's chewing on that teether, looks like #8 will be making an appearance soon too.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Went for a walk with mommy to get the mail. Layla loved pulling Cooper in the sled. It was snowing like crazy during the entire walk.


Went to the Kincardine arena today for Layla's first time skating on real ice skates. 
Layla did so well. Scooting along, falling lots but getting right back up again with a smile on her face.